Crystals and Singing Bowl

5 Powerful Ways to Recharge Your Crystals

Whether you’re new to the metaphysical world of crystals or a seasoned “pro”, you’ll want to cleanse your stones regularly. Cleansing crystals is a simple process with many options to fit anyone’s lifestyle and practice.

Let’s start with the basics question “why should I cleanse my crystals?” Crystals can hold onto energies from the people that have held them or the environment around them. This energy can be negative and can cause the stone to not “live” up to its full metaphysical potential. It can be very beneficial to cleanse crystals on a regular basis, even if you believe they’re working, are in a positive environment, or you’re the only one touching them. 


One of the most popular methods is to leave your crystals overnight in a spot that gets moonlight. This method works best during the full moon.  (See the current moon phase here.)

Running Water

You can cleanse your crystals (almost) the same way you clean other things around the house, under running water! Any source of water will work, like a sink or shower, or a stream or river, or even simply pouring water (especially moon water) over them. Remember to fully submerge your stones in whatever source you’re using. DISCLAIMER: There are some stones that cannot get wet such as Peacock Ore, Pyrite, Selenite/ Satin Spar/ Desert Rose, and Malachite. If you are unsure if your crystals can get wet please research before using this method!

Selenite/ Satin Spar

The simplest method to cleanse your crystals is another crystal! Selenite and Satin Spar are both the same crystal sold under different names and it cleanses the crystals around it without needing to be cleansed itself! You can get selenite in a variety of forms, including bowls or plates to cleanse anything in/ around it, sticks or “wands” the can be held over crystals or kept with them to cleanse (can also be used to cleanse your aura), towers that make great cleansing statement pieces for any crystal shelf or altar, or other shapes like butterfly wings, hearts, or spheres. This method works on any and all crystals at any time! 


Smoke cleansing is another popular method of recharging your crystals.  Simply wave the smoke from a burn bundle or incense over your crystals, or pass them quickly and carefully through a candle flame.


Play loud and uplifting music, singing bowls, binaural beats, chimes, or any other sounds that make you feel good!  (Check out an awesome cleansing frequency video here.)


If you’re interested in trying any of these but don’t have the supplies, check out our shop! We sell selenite sticks and spheres (and sometimes other shapes as in-store exclusives), and we have moon water making events regularly! 

Author: Miranda Curto - August 2023

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